PN Mixed Shine

Trzsknyvi neve: PN Mixed Shine
Nyilvntartsi szma: 04-170331
Neme: mn
Szletsi ve: 2012.
Fajtja: Nmet sportpni
Hivneve: Shiny
Mixed Cloud
Reputated Girl
Roast Salt
Size As Feel
Szakg: djlovagls (L)
Rajtengedly, ltlevl: megvannak / nincsenek
Versenyeredmnyei (11 db):
- 1. hely: Hobbit's Chance (kllem)
- 1.hely: II. Social Sites Appearance
- 1.hely: Mrciusi pniszemle
- 1.hely: CloverSands’ Spring Appearance
- 1.hely: Appearance in May
- 1.hely: II. Horse Breeds Category Appearance(nmet sportpni)
- 1.hely: Worldwide Dressage(pnik)
- 2.hely: Game of Colors Dressage I. (pnik)
- 2.hely: Because I’m Perfect Appearance(pnik)
- 3. hely: Fast Racing in February (djlovagls)
- 3. hely: Nihon Cup (djlovagls, L)
Minsitsek: 2xELITE, BEST, EXCELLENT, 2xGOOD, Good Pony in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 2nd in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 1st Placed Horse in Appearance in May, Best Pony, Top Horse in Clover Sands, GOOD, Good in Dressage center of Nihon Cup, 3rd Nihon Cup in Arashi
L pnze: 0 Ft
Felszerelsei: -
Neve: Vixxen
Istllja: The Best of All Times
